In this I had the students work on graph paper to make my marking a lot easier and I have seen other teachers have them do it on graph style chart paper which really brought the design out. Here is the criteria that I set out for them.
You can have the word document here if you don't want to copy and paste.
Designing a Backyard
You just moved into a new
house and are upset at your parents for making you leave your old neighbourhood
and friends. To try to make it up to
you, your parents decided to let you design the large backyard for your new
place. You are allowed to put in three things that you want so that you
will enjoy the new house. Your parents
want to make sure you’re happy so they are already putting in a swimming pool
(you just have to tell them where to put it). The only thing your mom wants is
some garden space for her vegetable garden. Your father needs to put in his
shed to store the lawnmower and other outdoor supplies and would like a patio
somewhere. Your little sister decides
she wants something in the yard to be in a triangle shape but doesn’t care
what. The rest is up to you.
The size of your new rectangular backyard is 20m long
and 15 m wide.
You will need to:
Draw a rough copy and good copy of the backyard.
Mark on your
drawing the measurements of all
items in your backyard including length
and width.
Make an organized list of what is needed
and what you want in your backyard.
On your list you
need to record the area and perimeter
of each item in your backyard.
The swimming pool
is circular and you must record the radius,
diameter, circumference and area of the pool.
You must also
figure out how much water will go into the pool if it has a height of 1.5
Your mother’s
garden must be rectangular and you must record the area and perimeter of it for her planning.
She also needs to
know how much manure to put in it if she digs .5m down into the ground so that
she fills it back to ground level.
Your father will
want to paint the outside of his shed his favourite colour red. He is asking you to figure out how much paint
he will need if his shed is 3m tall, 4m long and 3m wide (including the roof
and for some reason he wants to paint the floor too).
You will need to
creatively design your backyard and make sure all elements of the backyard are
a realistic size.
And a rubric I used for marking
Designing a Backyard
Not Yet
Within Expectations
Meets Expectations
Meets Expectations
Student is
unable to complete the task without ongoing help; cannot follow procedures
satisfies most basic requirements of the task, but work is flawed or
incomplete in some way
Work is
complete and accurate (may include some minor flaws or errors)
Work is
complete, accurate, and efficient; shows depth of understanding. Student may use innovative procedure or
develop an extension
and Applications
Applies understanding of
linear measurement, area, perimeter, volume, and circumference by:
§ Constructing specific lengths
§ Selecting the appropriate standard units to measure
§ Calculating area, perimeter, surface area and volume
Applies few, if any, of the following concepts:
§ Constructing specific lengths
§ Selecting the appropriate standard units to measure
§ Calculating area, perimeter, surface area,
circumference and volume
Applies most of the following concepts:
§ Constructing specific lengths
§ Selecting the appropriate standard units to measure
§ Calculating area, perimeter, surface area,
circumference and volume
Applies most of the following concepts appropriately
§ Constructing specific lengths
§ Selecting the appropriate standard units to measure
§ Calculating area, perimeter, surface area,
circumference and volume
Applies the following concepts appropriately
§ Constructing specific lengths
§ Selecting the appropriate standard units to measure
§ Calculating area, perimeter, surface area,
circumference and volume
and Approaches
Uses appropriate strategies,
including estimation to design a backyard that meets the specifications given
Unable to create an
appropriate design; may omit features or exceed given size
Unable to use estimation in
planning or to verify results
Designs a backyard that
includes most of the required features and is close to fitting within the
required dimensions; the size of several features may be unrealistic
Needs help to use estimation
in planning, or to verify results
Designs a backyard that
includes the requited features and fits within the required dimensions; the
size of some features may be unrealistic
Uses some estimation in
planning; if asked, can use estimation to verify results
Designs a backyard that
shows some innovation; all required features are included and of realistic
size; includes at least one additional feature; fits within required
Independently uses
estimation in planning and to verify results
Accurately calculates and
records perimeter, area, surface area, and volume of different features
Dimensions are accurately
drawn on grid paper
Makes major errors or
omissions in:
§ Calculating and recording area, perimeter, volume circumference,
and surface area.
§ Drawing dimensions on grid paper
Includes some errors or
omissions in:
§ Calculating and recording area, perimeter, volume
circumference, and surface area.
§ Drawing dimensions on grid paper
Generally accurate, few
minor errors in:
§ Calculating and recording area, perimeter, volume
circumference, and surface area.
§ Drawing dimensions on grid paper
Accurate in :
§ Calculating and recording area, perimeter, volume
circumference, and surface area.
§ Drawing dimensions on grid paper
and Communication
Presents plan clearly,
including labels, tables and appropriate standard units.
Presents a plan that may be
unclear and confusing
Uses few appropriate
standard units
Table is messy and confusing
Presents a plan that may be
confusing in places; may omit some labels
Uses some appropriate
standard units
Table is confusing in places
Presents a plan that is
generally clear, easy to follow and well labelled
Uses appropriate standard
Table is neat and accurate
Presents a plan that is
clear and easy to follow; labelled clearly and precisely
Uses appropriate stand units
Table is neat and accurate

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